Sunday, February 24, 2008

My School's Website

This is the webpage for my school (click on above title). If you visit, you can click on classrooms (on left menu) and be taken to any grade. Many of our parents use this to get weekly updates on homework, field trips, and other important dates and events.

Some teachers, like myself, keep it pretty current (updating homework at least once a week). Other teachers are new to internet tools and don't always keep their classroom page current. Nevertheless, we are very proud of it! We all agree that we must try very hard to stay on top of this as it can be a very valuable communication tool between school and home.

Even our 8th grade class helps maintain the school website with special (and limited) password access. They update scrolling items such as the lunch menu and the honor roll students list. Each 8th grader is assigned a weekly job to perform. Using students to help maintain the website is something new that our technology teacher is trying this year. In the 4 years since our site was created, it is looking its best THIS YEAR because it has been kept current by our students!

I believe that the more people you have maintaining something like this, the better the final product is. ENJOY!

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